This page contains information on our Learn to Dive, Recreational and Masters Classes. In Auckland Diving, these classes run for approx 55 min or less and teach the fundamental skills of diving. See below for more information on our classes: Grades 1&2, Grades 3&4, U12 Rec, U16 Rec, U21 Rec and  Masters.  To book classes, please go to the "Booking Classes" option from the menu


Term 1: Tues Jan 28 - Sat April 12 - bookings open
Term 2: Mon April 28 - Sat June 28
Term 3: Mon July 14 - Sat Sept 20
Term 4: Mon Oct 6 - Sat Dec 20

Please note the following dates:

(apologies due to pool management incompetency in confirming our booking we have had to make additional changes to Term 1)
Thurs Jan 30 - at West Wave no Grade 1/2 (5pm) or Grade 3/4 (4pm) classes due to International Diving event 
Fri Jan 31 - at West Wave no Grade 1/2 (4.30pm) classes due to International Diving event 
Sat Feb 1 - no diving classes/squads due to International Diving event 
Thurs Feb 6 - no diving: Waitangi Day
Sat Feb 8 - TBC time changes due to ASA event
Sat Feb 22 - lessons/squads cancelled due to Auckland Diving Champs 
Sat March 1 - TBC World Manu event (rain venue). Our usual diving program will most likely run but we will confirm by Mon 24 Feb IF there are any changes
Sat March 15 - TBC time changes due to ASA event
(apologies for any inconvenience but as most of these have been sprung on us we need time to figure out a schedule for the time change Saturdays)

To book any classes please log into your club account or click here to set one up.


Our holiday program usually runs with the school holidays with classes at both West Wave and Glenfield.
Bookings generally open approx 2 weeks prior to the start of the holiday period.

Please scroll down this page to see the previous holiday details. Please note that this timetable may change for the next holidays or due to public holidays or pool closures.

Class time changes for Sat Feb 8

TID lesson: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Masters: 12:30pm - 2:00pm (1-2pm pool only)
Grade 3/4: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Grade 1/2: 1:30pm - 2:00pm
Rec/Dio: 2:00pm - 3:00pm


Please note this is a general timetable and some classes listed may not be available for booking until other classes fill or maybe cancelled due to minimum number not reached. Occasionally advertised class times may need to change due to other pool user events.

Click here for our Squad timetable.

New divers generally start in our 30 min Grade 1/2 classes.
(WW = West Wave Pool, Henderson (black); GF = Glenfield Pool (red))


Prerequisite: Must be comfortable and able to swim in deep water.

Lesson and recreational divers generally attend 1 session per week and are welcome to attend more if they wish. The fee is paid termly and is based on a rate of $13.50 for a Grade 1/2 class and $20.50 for 55 min classes and $27 for 90 min U21/Masters if a term is booked.
Total term fees are dependent on factors such as the school term length, public holidays and/or session cancellations.

Please click here to see an overview of our club structure and how divers can move through the programme

Grade 1 & 2 Class

Main entry point our diving programme
No prior diving experience is required.
30 minute classes
Learning the skills to complete grades 1 & 2
Great for water confidence
Once completed Grade 2, divers can move into a Grade 3&4 class at the beginning of the next term
Alternatively, there are recreational classes available for divers turning 12 or older in that year

Grade 3 & 4 Class

Prerequisite: Diver must have completed Grade 2

55 min classes
Learning skills to complete grades 3 & 4
Once grade 4 is achieved, the following term, the diver moves into either the 11&U Skills Squad or 12&O Skills Squad,
Alternatively a Recreational class if they do not want to move into a squad.
(age is based on the age they will be on Dec 31st of that year) 

U13 Recreational

Prerequisite: Diver must have completed Grade 1
55 min classes

For divers aged 9-12 years (based on age at Dec 31st of the current year).
Also for Divers who have achieved grade 4 but are aged under 9.
Less focused on grades achieved.
To learn further diving skills in a controlled and safe environment.
Focus is on learning diving moves at the pace of the individual and to provide an activity where people can learn new skills, have fun, keep fit and be active.
Competitions are available if interested

U16 Recreational

No prior diving experience is required.
55 minute classes
For divers aged 12 - 15 years. (based on age at Dec 31st of the current year) Divers can enroll into U16 at the start of the year that they turn 12.
To learn diving skills in a controlled and safe environment.
Focus is on learning diving moves at the pace of the individual and to provide an activity where people can learn new skills, have fun, keep fit and be active.
Competitions are available if interested 

U21 Recreational

No prior diving experience is required
55 - 90 minute classes
For divers aged 16 - 20 years. (based on age at Dec 31st of the current year) Divers can move into U21 at the start of the year that they turn 16
To learn diving skills in a controlled and safe environment.
Focus is on learning diving moves at the pace of the individual and to provide an activity where people can learn new skills, have fun, keep fit and be active.
The longer classes include 30 mins of dryland to work on form, body awareness, physical strength and flexibility.
Competitions are available if interested


No diving experience is required.
55 to 90 minute classes
For adults 21+ years
Divers can move into Masters at the start of the year that they turn 21
To learn diving skills in a controlled and safe environment
Focus is on learning diving moves at the pace of the individual and to provide an activity where people can learn new skills, have fun, keep fit and be active.
The longer classes include 30 mins of dryland to work on form, body awareness, physical strength and flexibility.
Competitions are available if interested


If you are already registered with us then log into your club account to book.
New divers please click here and register as a new diver to book classes.

New divers and those working on Grades 1-4 can choose from the 2 options below:

  1. LTD Grade 1-4: 2hr session (G1-4) - our most popular holiday This class is divided into dryland and pool components, starting with dryland in a designated room with gym mats etc. At West Wave it is located opposite the main changing room entrances and at Glenfield down by the squash courts. For those unfamiliar with dryland, here divers learn the technical elements of diving in a safe environment to build confidence especially when learning some of the harder skills. This along with specific strength exercises, basic gymnastics, mobility and body awareness helps divers speed up their diving development. Cost is $32 per session with discounts available if you book more than 1 session per week per diver at one time (if bookings are not made in one sitting they will be charged at the daily rate for that week).

  2. LTD Grade 1-4: Pool only 1hr session - limited sessions available with no dryland component. Cost is $20 per session with no discounts available.

For all levels of divers aged over 14 years:
Rec/Masters - for new and experienced divers aged 14+. Cost is $20 per session with no discounts available.

TID Classes:
Only for divers who have been invited into. Cost is $20 per class

For divers who have achieved Grade 4 or above,: you are welcome to attend either our 11&U or 12&O Skills Squad sessions. The age is based on the divers age as of Dec 31, this year. Please click here for more detail on squad sessions.

Holiday Program Times

The timetable below is a guide only and maybe subject to change. When booking your classes please note the times carefully as those will be the correct times.

Please note - all sessions require a minimum of 3 divers booked for it to run. If we have to cancel we will contact you the day prior.

Diving FAQ's

Q: Does my child have to wear a Speedo?
A: This is one of the most asked questions from parents who have boys. The answer is no, Speedo's are not required. However, it is important that the boy's Togs be above the knee and the girl's Tog's be a one-piece.

Q: I (Or my child) have never dived before – is this o.k.?
A: Of course! Our Diving New Zealand Certified coaches know how to progress a diver from absolute beginner to advanced and competitive levels; and have a lot of experience doing so.

Q: Do I (or my child) have to jump off the high board?
A: No, we will only ask the diver to go off the high(er) boards when we (Coaches) have determined that they are ready to do so. However, no one is required to jump from the high board if they don't want to.

Q: How old does the child have to be to join diving?
A: We have divers as young as 5 years of age in our programs We recommend that they can swim 15m and be comfortable in deep water.

Q: What's the height of the tallest tower?
A: 10 metres! Our facility consists of diving boards from 1 metre, 3 metres, 5 metres, 7.5 metres and 10 metres.

Q: When can my child move up in levels?
A: Diving is a highly technical sport with many challenges like coordinating your arms and legs while jumping off a moving object (the board); falling through the air and trying to land within a close distance (1 meter) to the board - and staying in control through the whole skill. This is a lot of information for a child to take in and master.

Although you, the parent and external observer, may not see many changes each day, often the best change is observant to the coach on the most simple of skills - the front and back jump. Creating the proper movement patterns and foundation is essential to being able to move on to more difficult dives, decreasing the incidence of injury.

It is common for a child to stay in each level 2 - 4 times as there are many skills to achieve in each level. This could mean that they could stay in each level for a year. Diving teaches children agility, coordination flexibility, jumping and respect for the technical environment. Diving will challenge a participant to achieve and experience skills they couldn't imagine.

Simply put, we keep your child safe and help them progress successfully through the levels.

Q: Where do the parents/spectators sit
A: During lessons, parents are welcome to watch from the stands! We kindly ask parents not to come down onto poolside during the lesson 


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